Susan Purvis is a memoir writing coach and an award-winning author of her own memoir, “Go Find, My Journey to Find the Lost—and Myself.”

As your book writing coach, Susan will get your memoir out of your soul and onto the page.

Susan’s super power is helping you dig deep inside yourself to pull out your story—the real story. She’ll take you places you had no idea you could go. She trims the fat and gets the reader in and out of each scene to keep them turning the page from start to finish.


Thanks to my wonderful team at Blackstone Publishing

“Susan Purvis is a master at teaching you how to show instead of tell your story. She instills the basic principles of good storytelling so you keep your reader engaged. Working with Susan took me from novice writer to published author in less than a year.”

Robin Olson

After working with Susan for five months, we’ve sent my first 20-pages off to a NYC literary agent. Susan’s ability to help me mine my story is undeniable.”

Michele Genzardi


Frequently Asked Questions

Are You Ready To Write Your Memoir? Let’s Mine It.

Sometimes we think we know the story we want to write, but we get stuck. That’s where I come in. As a former gold exploration geologist, expedition leader, and author, I help dig out your gold and lead you to the summit. I might make you uncomfortable while stretching you to new heights. But together, we’ll discover what your story really is.

Are You Procrastinating?

Procrastination prevents many people from writing their memoir.  It might just be a way for you to limit your options or your success. But we all carry our story with us somewhere. If you have a hard story to tell, you might be weighing yourself down with comfort food instead of releasing yourself through expression. Some hide their story in a bottle of wine or by sitting on their sofa staring at the TV and eating an entire bowl of popcorn.  With butter. Whether you’re carrying these blocks in your body or your behavior, we’ll defeat your attempts to sabotage your book using the tools I’ve learned working in the hottest, the highest, and the coldest places on earth.

What Can I Help You Accomplish?

I will help you sift through the ideas in your head, organize your scenes, and develop the structure to capture your readers’ attention and maintain it to the end. I believe your story matters. And if you can tell your story, you can make an impact.

The Process of Writing Your Memoir Together

Call me for a free 15 minute consult. I’m here to listen. When it comes to writing your book or story, it doesn’t matter if you’re climbing a peak or walking 20 miles, the goal is the same: to arrive safely. The same holds true for writing a memoir or even a blog post. There will be some difficult terrain, unforgiving landscape, and enough self-doubt to make you want to turn back. Think of me as your expedition guide. I’ll be safely leading you with the tools, a map, and a direction.

Who Needs a Memoir Writing Coach?

I help people interested in writing fiction, nonfiction, and memoir. On occasion, if we’re a good fit for each other, I help those who don’t necessarily want to write a book dive deeper into their writing practice.

How We’ll Work Together

We’ll customize your need whether we meet daily, once a week, or twice a month on Zoom from anywhere in the world. In between sessions, you’ll send me chunks of writing which I’ll review, but I won’t be line editing. I’ll add comments, give suggestions, and rearrange thoughts, if needed. We’ll be discussing how each piece you’ve submitted met the goals we discussed in the previous session and where you’re at on our map. We’ll discuss your structure, character development, conflict, and more.

A Few More of Your Questions

How much does it cost?

My coaching fees are $150 per hour. We’ll start with a free 1 hour consultation to get to know each other and make sure we’re a good fit.

Do we sign a contract to work together?

I don’t believe contracts are necessary when coaching. We’ll schedule calls as frequently as you want them.


I require payment at the time of our call which may be paid via PayPal or Venmo. You may also mail me a check in advance of our call.

Are you a line editor?

No. My job is to help you mine your story. I work with you to develop your story arch, get you in and out of your scenes, and develop your theme.

Are you ready to write? Let’s get started!


“Susan Purvis is a true Renaissance Woman: a best-selling author, skier, survivalist, backcountry medical specialist, and teacher. I can personally attest to her skills as a writing coach as she helped me refine the query and synopsis for my as-yet-to-be-published best-selling novel. Her tips are insightful, delivered in clear and straightforward language. Her guidance transformed my work.

If you want pure, concise, unambiguous tips to move your writing and life forward, delivered with a smile but also, when needed, with an occasional kick in the behind, Susan is the one for you.”

—Craig Thomas Naylor, Ph.D., author and composer


“Susan Purvis guided me for three days through Glacier National Park, both as a guide and writing coach. With her generous and fun-loving spirit, she fearlessly led me deep into Glacier’s backcountry and into my story. Her guidance was steady and sure. I felt safe to walk “to the edge” of my emotions, my “story” and the mountain top. I understood for the first time views that lifted my spirit and story to new heights. Together, with Susan, I stood in awe. I have emerged from GNP transformed. With Susan’s guidance, I walked my story. Now I can write.I know to be true what before I only hoped was true – my story is sacred. I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my time with Susan in Glacier’s backcountry. Now, it’s your turn. Go Find! You’re in good hands. Susan will lead the way.”

— Christine Morris-Adventurer and Story Teller


“Susan Purvis’s life coach was her headstrong black Labrador Retriever, Tasha. Their successful career as a search team took them into remote, extreme conditions. Sue learned problem-solving and leadership skills in risky situations where the wrong decision could mean death. As a writing colleague and coach,  I trust her knowledge and experience in both the wilderness and the writing room. I often ask for her expertise to add verisimilitude and authenticity to my thriller novels.” 

— Debbie Burke, award-winning author of Tawny Lindholm Thrillers with a Heart 


Writing is one of the hardest skills to learn and many never do, especially when trying to write a book of any kind.Being a student and Learning the skills from a published author is definitely an advantage because they have gone through all the steps of writing, being accepted by a publisher, and actually publishing a book.

Susan Purvis is one of those gems that not many of us are lucky to find in our lifetime. She is very adept teacher as she knows all the ins and outs.In addition, she has a way of making you feel at home and always point you in the right direction making you feel good about what you have learned. Finally, whatever I got stuck she was always there to help so, if you’re looking for a friend as well as a teacher, Susan is your best choice.

She has my 10 star recommendation. 

 – Dr. Sherwood Tucker DDS MAGD


“There are teachers, and there are writers. If you’re very lucky, you’ll stumble upon someone who is good enough at one, and really good at the other. The odds against finding a Sue — a brilliant writer and incredibly talented teacher — are so high that if you’re lucky enough to become her student, you’ve just won the lottery.”

– Judith Faye, Poet, Writer.

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